The Art of Creating the Perfect Espresso Shot

Making the perfect shots of espresso coffee is a serious craft. To create only one cup of espresso, a barista has to be a bit of a sciencentist and a bit of a passionate artist. In the following  text, we are going to discuss how you can make a magic shot of espresso at the comfort of your own home (if you have an espresso machine, of course). We are going to share all there is to know about the process of extraction, the craft of pulling espresso, and what-not-to-do. Let’s get right to it.

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If it wasn’t for the coffee, I’d have no identifiable personality whatsoever.

David Letterman

A Barista’s Diary: Sunday Outdoor Cooking

« If you have read one of my posts, you probably know that I am a foodaholic and that I love preparing delicious dishes (besides working in Barra, of course!). Outdoor barbecues are my specialty, especially on a Sunday afternoon. A week ago, I invited a couple of friends on a spectacular chicken barbecue recipe with tomatoes, mozzarella, and lots of dressing. Here’s what when down last Sunday.

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